Saturday, February 26, 2022

 Stotesbury West Virginia Homes

When we miss home, do we miss a place? I often tell people that when I photograph homes in any coal town, I try to remember, Home, is what you know.. We know places, people and most of all the memories of all of these things linger. They are by themselves, a power. What do they remember?

Below a miner, a father, a grandfather, a nice guy.....what is he remembering?? Please feel free to comment. Clicking on an image allows you to see the full size image

In all of my efforts, I do the very best I can to respect a people and a culture. I photograph what I choose to point my camera at. Some things, I do not photograph. I choose not to. Why show what I can see anywhere?

Houses had numbers, had rooms, had meals and families. 

Some rooms allow us to see what they saw, just further in time than what we expect

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