Somebody was here
It is very tempting when we photograph locations to forget to ask, who was there? Sadly, this is very often the case when I go places and the temptation is there. A really cool place, a really cool building, and yet, rarely, who was here? I try to do that. It IS very cool to find that place, or that sign or building, but I always try to show human beings lived here, loved here, died here and YES were born here. Feel free to leave comments below. Also remember if you click on an image, you will see it display larger.
Josephine, WV. Below is that very old company store. So many drive by it, ignore it, some forget, what it was....
In Keystone, the local UMWA, is easy to see. BUT how many of us forget the miners who went there? How long was there day? How tired were they when they went to their meeting?
In Caretta, at the old processing facility, the miners charged their lamps here..Did they hurry? What did they talk about as the shift started or ended? How long did their lamp charge?
At Pocahontas VA, I was headed to Bluefield, and I stopped when I saw the Presbyterian Church below. Imagine the services and the work to build this church.
At Vivian WV, I was again reminded of the worship miners sought. Below a beam has detached from the ceiling, yet it hung perfectly, mimicking the cross. It had to be for a reason...Didnt it??