Sunday, December 12, 2021


ANY person who starts photography of coal towns needs to know the name, Pocahontas Fuel. The man behind this name was Jenkin Jones. Jones was Wales and become very much a titan in the coal fields. AND Yes, the town of Jenkinjones, in West Virginia is his name sake. 

Jones as a coal titan started in Virginia and then southern West Virginia. In the town of Boissevain VA, there is a wonderful Pocahontas Fuel building which time and apathy have started to eat it alive. Its resemblance to the Pocahontas Fuel buildings in Jenkinjones is remarkable. I finally was able to see the building in Boissevain and I am of the opinion that this building would give a very good view of just how incredible Jenkinjones was in its day. It is obvious that this building is in a sad state, however it is in far better condition than those in Jenkinjones.

From the front and the back, the building in Boissevain shows the neo classical architecture that Alex Mahood dotted Southern WV with. Mahood was a sought after architect, and his abilities showed off what a coal titan wanted: POWER and WEALTH

Rear view, Boissevain Pocahantas Fuel Building

While this building at Boissevain is longer, its zero doubt, that the main entrance had to be a clone of those at Jenkinjones.


It will NOT be a surprise that the following pics will show decay and vandalism. IF you want to know the history, LOOK BEYOND that.

Plaster cornices, wood lined hallways and offices.....This was not an after thought. 

Excellent views again, IMAGINE what this said in its day. This was a place of wealth and power.


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